Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Andrea's Blogfolio

As a requirement of the course I am taking at The University of Southern Mississippi, IT 648: Telecommunications in Education, I will be completing a blogfolio of all of my academic experiences in this online course. The blogfolio is a compilation of blog reflections and linked access to all of my assignments in the course. It is a fantastic way to submit and reflect upon your assignments and allows for immediate feedback from my classmates and my instructor.

I think the concept of a blogs in education is wonderful. Blogs allow for instant anytime, anywhere communication between the instructor and students. It provides a voice to students who wouldn't ordinarily be vocal in a traditional classroom setting. Blogging eliminates the daunting task of writing reflections by hand and provides interactivity to otherwise monotonous educational tasks. The students also have the freedom to personalize their own blog sites to reflect individualism.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Introduction of Andrea Howard

Hi everyone! I am Andrea Howard. I am a 29 year old school teacher, mother of an 8 year old, and wife of a soldier in the U.S. Army who is currently serving in Iraq. I teach middle school math at Bayou View Middle School in the Gulfport School District and I have been teaching school a total of five years. I received my Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing from The University of Southern Mississippi, a Master's Degree in Elementary Education from William Carey (College) University, and I am now pursing my second Master's Degree in Instructional Technology at The University. I have found the interactivity of this Instructional Technology program to be exciting thus far and have learned so much after having taken only two classes. I look forward to many more great experiences during this current academic endeavor.